CARIMAC - the institution that shaped me
Upon leaving high school I had not yet decided what I wanted to become. For years I was told "Yuh chat nuff, yuh a go tun lawyer" so I thought about that for a while. The time came for us to apply to University and being one of the few persons not interested in going to do a first degree abroad, I applied locally. Just for the heck of it I applied to law, as my mother said "to keep options open" . But I knew I wouldn't get in. I then chose CARIMAC and my 3rd choice was Psychology/Sociology and I also applied to UTECH. I waited impatiently as the "barely there" mail system in my community failed day after day, week after week to furnish me with a letter of acceptance from ... anywhere.As the clock ticked and nobody called me from the CARIMAC office to say I was accepted I began to lose all hope of gaining a tertiary education. I re-played the test in my head for weeks to ascertain what I had done wrong - why I hadn't gotten a cal...