Social Class, Identity and Di Loose Gyal
Did you miss me? Let's hope so... I was having an intellectual conversation with a group of intelligent graduates recently (bear with me as I create the scenario) and we were discussing the issue of social class in Jamaica and whether identity is a product of social class or if it is an independent entity. In arguing either point of view the factor of perception came in: whether the person wants be perceived as the class they belong to or another group. Let's look at how all this affects.... di loose hole gyal . Social Class refers to a certain stratification within society where its members share common characteristics: be it in concepts about political, economic and social structures, be it colour... whatever it may be... they have some common characteristics. Identity is defined as a person's conception and expression of their individuality or group affiliations (eg: cultural identity). We see then that identity is a fully SUBJECTIVE phenomenon. Need ...