Life Plan

I have been doing some reflecting rcently, while listening to a CD I found. The CD was Renaissance Culture Mix (I am unsure of the year, or if another CD like it has been released since), however it got me thinking about the state of the world. How much a little posititve music can do...

The world is grossly unfair as we would all have found out already. The person who yearns for work is usually the person that is least likely to get it. The world is full of three types of people, the rich ones, who can get anything they desire, the ambitious ones that want to achieve much in life and the ones who are not ambitious and do not seek to "jump" at opportunities. Which ones of these persons do you want to be?

You have to shape your life early in order to be successful in life. Even if one is rich one needs to shape oneself, financially more so, than anyone else. You can be rich today and poor tomorrow. Money management is key to success and to maintenance of wealth. I recently watched the preview of a documentary to be shown on E!TV about persons and their money. One man stated that he lost $5 million in one night, gambling. If you happen to amass great wealth the world is designed to take it all from you. It does this with poisons, like gambling, or can do it with other things like health care. Have you realized how expensive health care is?

As I looked through the Sunday paper last week I realized that there are many jobs open to Jamaicans. But what is keeping people from attaining these jobs is qualification. Education is too expensive for a vast majority of Jamaicans. Thus, holds them back from social mobility. It's like dangling a bone infront of (or above) a dog without legs. Impossible to attain.

As young people we need to pave our future. Don't go on the road millions have already travelled, as you might find millions down there without jobs and not knowing what to do with life. Be creative and seek your own way out... the sky is the limit, really. Everyone knows that cliche` but dream big and you'll achieve big. A teacher once gave me a poem which ended with these words "Set your goal higher than you can reach and then reach it."

To di worl' a dat mi seh!!


Anonymous said…
all that you have said is really true and we as young people need to make it on our own and reach for what we want in life. stay focus dream big and work towards it.