
Showing posts from June, 2011

How was the Funeral?

I went to a funeral recently - my 2nd cousin died suddenly 2 weeks ago and was buried on June 26th - and when I spoke to one of my friends the same evening he asked me "how was the funeral" ... I don't recall anyone asking me this question before and I have been to more funerals than the number of years I've been on this Earth (which is quite a few). I didn't know how to respond, because I mean                        a funeral is just a funeral

The Beef-Bacon-Cheese Patty from hell

I don't usually blog about food, but this is a special case.... So recently a friend and I decided to try this bacon patty we heard about, I must admit I was more eager to try it. I  like pork... a lot ... so when I heard of a Pork Patty  I was very excited about this.  We went to the patty place, and asked about the pork patty. We were told it can only be ADDED to a patty, so it'd be a beef patty with bacon or a cheese patty with bacon. I could hear the cholesterol festering, but I decided to try it anyway, my friend went another route having a full house patty (beef, cheese, lettuce, tomato) with bacon and I bought a beef-bacon-cheese patty for another friend we would visit that day.