
Showing posts from January, 2010

They can say whatever, imma do whatever ...

The title of this post is from a Rihanna song, I really don't remember the could be 'Hard'... well, that's your homework (lol). In my previous post I spoke about 2010 being the year of change, for various reasons. I got 'reports' from some of my friends about their year so far, and it has been confirmed that it is the year of change. As some of my friends would say " A SEAL IT SEAL" (lol).

Hello 2010

I know its the 7th of January and the year isn't exactly new anymore. However, its better late than never they say. :). So although I am chronically hungry right now I am going to write this blog post, because if i get up for food the blog post will never be done (well at least not for now). On that note, I want to shake off procrastination this year. I am such a procrastinator, such a huge lazy-ass. So instead of setting resolutions that I never keep anyway I have decided to make 2010 the year of revelation. I am going to rethink, revamp, redecorate my life.