Nation Gone Ary

It seems that Jamaica has plunged even deeper into a destitute state of lawlessness. Two days into the new year thirteen people had already been murdered. We have statistics equivalent to a war in our country. We need to take a stand. It would appear the outside world that every ten steps a Jamaican takes without being shot or stabbed is a blessing from God. There are ways to stop crime, but no single person can do it.

When we go to "sessions" and parties and artistes such as Kartel and Movado deejay songs which give detailed descriptions of murder, rejoice on how easy it is to take another person's life, regardless of the age, we are fuelling the occurrence of crime. How so? The youth who are under the sound of this "music" day to day use them as a sort of mantra. When we revel in these artistes and give them endless praise and adoration, they become figures to me emulated. It becomes necessary to be "as bad as Kartel" or "as cold as Movado" to be respected in society. Where then, do our values go? The survival of the fittest becomes survival which lies with the one with the more powerful gun and least present conscience. Once we denounce that type of music and let everyone know what it really is, we can make steps to solve crime. If not, we can simply forget about trying.


Anonymous said…
This is absolutely true Deb...we need to start realizing that the more young people idolize them, the more they are going to think, 'oh me big an' bad so me a go continue mek dem tune yah fi di "fans" dem'. Young people, we need to do better in order to build back our Jamaica, land we love.
Nicolette ღ said…
Well yes what you said is true. However I believe it is not only the songs that influence the youth of our country. I somehow believe we must change the mindset of these persons completely. Many of them, without the influence of the music are "cold" or "dark". This may be because of the feeling that they have to be "macho" or that they have to PROVE their manhood by portraying such characteristics. I believe the change in lyrical content paired with a societal/cultural change would be sufficient in changing out country's crime statistics. There must be an alternative...★