My thoughts for today


Since prep school I have always had people come up to me and ask me why I'm always this happy....

So, when I really sit and think about it. I am always happy, or seemingly happy because as long as you have life, there is hope. As long as there is life the bad situations you are going through can change, the hardships can be easier, the barriers can be moved and the wall can be broken down. You might think it's pretty cliche`, but I believe this whole heartedly.

I have been sad, torn apart, angry, pissed the hell off and a range of other emotions (like everyone else) but I show my happy face all the time, because happiness is the most contagious emotion. A smile is really infectious, so I smile most often and I think that's my best feature.

I am more than just a happy person I am also an emotional one. The simplest thing can make me really upset, or really sad and on the verge of tears. But, it's weird that the bad stuff you say to me, will pass off like nothing but the small things get me everytime. Lemmi just give you an example.... I was calling this chick to tell her that a bunch of my friends and I were leaving for an event she was supposed to attend with us. She answers the phone " why are you calling me? I'm coming." Yeah, that made me really upset.

But, that's Just Me!


So, they executed John Allen Muhammad today, the DC sniper who killed 10 persons.

This execution will probably start up human activists, but its justifiable punishment to me. This man not only planned these shootings, but influenced a minor to carry them out. He is a sick sick person. Execution is necessary. Lethal injection carried him to his grave. I really feel pity for the young man he got involved and who is now serving a life sentence because of him- Lee Boyd Malvo.

Malvo is a Jamaican citizen and was carried abroad by his mother, where he was introduced with Muhammad.
I have been hearing people say the recession is "basically over". I'd really like to know where they are living or where they see this change. From my stand point I see no such thing. This economic recession is a huge rut the whole world has dropped in. What I am upset with is that people, even in these hard times, are using their brains to STEAL people's money. The few people that still have jobs. I don't understand why if I have the brains to manipulate electrical technology why I wouldn't use it to do something positive, that i can probably get some money from, rather than trying to do something illegal....stealing the money the working class people worked so hard for... I guess as Twins of Twins said, some people u juss cya study, cuz u will never graduate...
