Merry... blah blah blah

There is always so much whoop-la before Christmas. Once December starts its all over on the streets. Roads are packed with traffic all day. Closer to Christmas it only gets worse. My family and I believe people get crazy at Christmas time. All of a sudden everyone is a dare devil on the streets, driving like they have nothing to live for and you don't either. *sigh*

A few years ago my parents and I stopped exchanging Christmas gifts. I'm not sure if it was because my sister migrated, but somehow this gift-giving was phased out. I had no problem with it. I must say I am quite fortunate and thank God for my hardworking, loving parents. They always ensured I had all I needed and I am eternally grateful for that. So, the phasing out of gift-giving wasn't really a problem, because I didn't really need anything.

The absence of gifts allowed me to appreciate my family more. It is wonderful to spend Christmas with them year after year, its a blessing that they were spared so we could spend Christmas together. Although, family can be SOOOO anoying, I have learnt to appreciate the differences in personality and points of view that comes from such a group.

This Christmas mommy had declared that we wouldn't have the huge Christmas dinner we usually do. I didn't really care, because quite frankly some of these same family members I just declared I loved can be so awful. They come to the Christmas dinner every year to just sit, eat, drink and go home; they never ask to help with anything or contribute anything. I'm not saying we're asking for help, but it would be common courtesy... I'm just saying.

This Christmas was also slightly different because I spent more time with my friends (I usually just surround myself with family in this season). My friends are all so lovely and I love them dearly. I spent Christmas Eve walking the malls with some of them and although my feet killed me when I got home I had so much fun.

The Christmas eve outing with my friends, no gift-giving and the down-sized Christmas dinner were indications of the impact of the simple things. The smallest things can sometimes be the most imapcting. I have to say, this Christmas was among one of my favourites.

And today, Boxing Day, the streets are quiet, the time is peaceful. Christmas has been erased from our minds. It's amazing how much preparation takes place for just one day. It's amazing how all these sales and gifts and food purchases cloud our minds and make us forget the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas, to me, means sharing, sharing love, joy, peace and happiness.

I hope everyone's Christmas was filled with all these and that we all live to see, and celebrate much more

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Anonymous said…
"Boxing Day, the streets are quiet, the time is peaceful. Christmas has been erased from our minds."

and just like that Christmas is gone like the very wind in our hair..sigh.