They can say whatever, imma do whatever ...

The title of this post is from a Rihanna song, I really don't remember the could be 'Hard'... well, that's your homework (lol).

In my previous post I spoke about 2010 being the year of change, for various reasons. I got 'reports' from some of my friends about their year so far, and it has been confirmed that it is the year of change. As some of my friends would say " A SEAL IT SEAL" (lol).

We have all become too complacent in life, just getting by, the mediocrity... its about time this changed, and I believe that 2010 is the best year to do this. I mean after all it is has been a decade since the millenium... perfect timing huh huh?...Well I really don't care about the significance of the year, I just think that we need to stop just chilling and really start to live.

I have made a conscious effort to get closer to God this year, but that's not going to stop me from experiencing things that I want to. People keep thinking Christians are boring people, I opt to change that stereotype and I have chosen to start this in 2010. I do have some questions about this whole Christian thing, because I don't see why you can't or are not suppose to do somethings...because I don't see them compromising my Christianity... but those concerns are for another time, and more than likely another place [steering clear of talking about religion and politics and that stuff on the blog].

All I want you all to do is to start living. I mean you never know when it will be your time to depart this earth...

Improve yourself, Improve others, Enjoy Life.
