Hey Now Hey Now... this is what dreams are made of

So I stole that title from the first line of that famous song from the Lizzie McGuire movie, which I am sure everyone has watched... Yeah that was sarcasm lol... But I was a Disney baby so I have seen most of those little movies and shows, but now I disagree to some extent with their programming so I have stopped watching Disney (along with the fact that it's no longer in my cable package- coincidence?)


I'm in the USA-the land of dreams, as some people call it, for a few weeks. Many Jamaicans think they would "make it" if they come to the United States. I have been vacationing in different parts of the US for a few years, and I have never felt like it can replace my home. It's not even about what it has to offer, it's just about me not feeling comfortable in "these here United States".

Speaking of dreams, there are a lot of things we envision for ourselves when we are in high school, or even preparatory or primary school. Some people want the perfect family, with that house on the hill, working from home while you watch the kids and cook the dinner until the wonderful husband comes home.

At some point we get real don't we? Because we have to live with our situation. But, we should not lose sight of our goals. If you can't do what you want in the way that you want to do it, then don't lose hope... not everything is meant to be done in the order than you created in your mind. Take my mommy for example: she wanted to be a teacher when she was in primary school, teaching has always been her passion but she has never graced a classroom, yet she has taught so many people so many things.

Dreaming is not something for little children, as some persons tend to categorize it, its for all of us. We can't just EXIST, we need to LIVE! We need to do things for ourselves sometimes, things that make us happy, and many times it is the fulfillment of a dream that makes us happy.

I am not saying we should be irrational and abandon our brains... but we should never stop dreaming. It does not have to be something fantastical and out of the ordinary that's not what dreaming is about... just think of something you would like to achieve.

I am sometimes a pessimistic person, but i hold my dreams close to my heart and I am very passionate about them.

Here's to DREAMING!


Jones Jr said…
First Time I'm Seeing Your Page. I Always Have Been Reading Your Posts From My Inbox. The Page Is Very Nice :-D (Y)
nikki said…
thanks hun