So on September 15, 2009 I decided to join TWITTER. I was actually influenced by a friend of mine, Sean (@SeanABennett). I remember the night clearly. I asked my boyfriend to sign up for me, because the phone I had at the time (a BlackBerry Pearl) came with a twitter app (TwitterBerry) and I wanted to try it out.

I tried TwitterBerry and I hated it. That turned me off tweeting for a while. Then Ann (@wonderosa) introduced me to UberTwitter... that was the BE all END all LOL. I feel in love with Uber and started tweeting more and more. I started out following just a few people who told me they had twitter accounts. In a few weeks I started gaining more followers, still mainly friends.

My whole twitter experience started to come full circle in the latter part of 2009, to the beginning of 2010. I started seeing the benefits of it. I met some new, WONDERFUL people and gained hundreds of followers.

The connection you make with people on twitter is phenomenal; Because they tweet their thoughts, it's almost like you KNOW them... so when you meet them it's not awkward because it's just putting a face to the tweets.

I really can't name all the wonderful people I've met and can't begin to tell you how many friendships I have fostered through my ONE YEAR on twitter. It's also great for networking since companies and their CEOs are on twitter - being in the right circle or going about it the right way may get you a job offer.

I must add that the Jamaica Pegasus hotel (@JamaicaPegasus) has enriched my experience on twitter. They have had 2 "TweetUp" events (one in June and the other in September 2010). The "TweetUp" is an event for tweeters (persons on twitter) to meet with other tweeters. The two events allowed me to meeet so many of my followers (and persons I follow as well) and to meet new persons (who I ended up following at the end of the event).

I am sure I didn't adequately capture the real "GREATNESS" of being on twitter, but if you'd like to experience it I encourage you to come along and FOLLOW ME! :)
