Jus 'cuz

Hello world!

I have an essay to write and I am being despondent... So let me fool myself that I am still being productive although I haven't started the essay.

Soooo... lemmi jus ramble today:


If you know ANYTHING about me, you know I love twitter. It's not just that I can use it to vent when someone pisses me off, or I can use it to "laugh" about someone's outfit when I'm unable to do so in person. It's WAAAAAY more than that. Twitter has allowed me to meet a lot of wonderful people. Ranging from persons I can call friends, to entrepreneurs to influential people. I am very glad I decided to join twitter, even though now I feel like I can't live without it.

Twitter, however, also facilitates "internet bullying" like any other social networking site. But, the difference is that the people who do this are not children. So, although I don't think it's right it simply cannot be avoided. Wherever you go, whatever you do people will always talk about you. So there is no need for the person who is being "bullied" or spoken about to cuss an gwaan bad an tek up tings pon dem head IN PERSON, when the thing happened on twitter. It's not that serious.

However, if you think that this "bullying" can affect your employability I think you should allow the "bullier" to know this and that it cannot continue.

I am a pretty straight forward person. If I have something to say to you I usually am able to say it, whether unkind or not, on twitter or in real life.

"Come on guys, after all it's just Twitter".


No his name isn't really JJ.... I have a boyfriend, whom I absolutely love. What irks me, is when people continuously assume that we are bench and batty... not because he's somewhere means I am there and vice-versa. Yes we've been together for some time and yes we like spending time with each other and yes we love each other to bits... but we are still TWO different people, with TWO families, TWO lives and TWO sets of friends (although a lot of them are mutual now). Don't get me wrong it's okay to ask about him when I am out and you don't see him with me and vice versa, but it's when you say HOW COME you're here without him or HOW COME you went and he didn't, HOW COME I saw him and not you....etc, as if it's written in a boyfriend/girlfriend rule book that we cannot separate from each other.


Don't they all get the same/ similar training? How is it possible that you can go to one person and they tell u X, and you can go to another and they tell you Y, and you go to another and they tell u Z... what are you to believe? what are you to do?...Thank God for GOOGLE, I guess.. This needs to stop. I believe in second opinions, but how can what the health care professionals say be so DIFFERENT! I guess some listened in class and some didn't. But, if you recall there was a case last year or 2 years ago (in Jamaica) where a man was practicing dentistry and had NO license whatsoever.... so who is the sham doctor? I had an experience recently...with a dentist. I went to one of the dentists at my school's health centre (University of the West Indies, Mona) about a bit of pain I was feeling at the back of my mouth (with the two back teeth, in the top row)... She told me my oral health was poor and I had gum disease and there is probably no way for me to get back the gum, and yadda yadda yadda... She spoke with such authority I totally believed her, and almost started BAWLING because my teeth are so important to me. She told me I needed a clean. I decided I would prefer my dentist to do it. I made an appointment and went today, GUESS WHAT, it's just cavities. The dentist said it's nothing serious, so I should'nt be feeling pain and I have an appointment to fill them next week...-__- you tell me now


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ......if u know me any at all, you know i friggin' LOOOOOOVE my BlackBerry :). Without it, I am not sure what I would do. Because of it, I check emails regularly and I am waaaaay more organized. I recently found out that I can, with the new Blackberry Messenger (BBM), send a voice note while in a group conversation (conference). That's the best thing that could've happened to BBM; some of my friends and I are in a conference and sometimes our fingers can't move fast enough to say what we want to say... so YAAAAAY group voice notes :). I also downloaded the "leaked" OS 6...and it's splendid so far.... so splendid that I have promised myself that I am going to make a blog post about it, although I am not a techie...

"We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge." -- Richard Yates



Corve DaCosta said…
Good luck in your relationship - you deserve it.

lovely post

We know you're a bb adict because u had to have it nearby while driving.