Hungry and other "H" words...

If I had a $1000 bill for every time I heard this phrase this week I could buy a Blackberry Torch (I just said that to make it sound like a lot ... LOL ... it's really about 4 or 5 times). Anyway, what do you think these other "H" words could be? I am sure you know which ONE a person is referring to when they use this phrase or is it just me, because that was the first and ONLY word that comes to my head. Somehow I feel like I should be embarrassed about this and work on my vocabulary :(. (Well, happy also comes to mind) I have decided that I am going to be a person of action this year so I went looking for "H" words. Do you even know what 'Haematopodidae' means? It's the scientific name for oystercatchers: a group of birds which do as their name suggests.

Anywhooo... let's not stray... The other "H" words I am focusing on, however are: halitosis and habitual.

You may be wondering how hungry, habitual and halitosis correlate. But we'll see, wont we?

Ladies, we all know those men who approach us with those dime a dozen pick up lines and those with feigned swag who swear they're all that. Those guys who, if you were stranded on a desert island you'd rather rot in your corner ALONE than to have them touch you. Those HUNGRY, HABITUAL men with HALITOSIS.

Usually when a man is being so persistent to have sex with a girl they call him thirsty, but I recently came across some men that have an appetite for ANYTHING female... these ladies - are the HUNGRY men.

Those men who KNOW you don't want them but make it their point of duty to appear wherever you are, to make sure they tell you (at least) every week what they feel for you and what they want to do to you. Those men who, after you've made it blatantly clear to them you want nothing to do with them (not even a friendship), think it will change your mind if they add "me woulda eat yuh ennu". Now YOU tell ME now! If you are not good enough to be friends with why would I want you in close range of my vagina?

Those men who realize (after however long) that you will NOT have sex with them but still believe you should listen to them as they tell you what they want to do to your body and where they want to put this and that. Those men, who will not leave you alone. Those men who you give an inch and they take a mile (or a couple miles).

These HUNGRY men in their very nature are HABITUAL. Repeating their creepy behaviour OVER and OVER and OVER again.

I had a friend who came across one of these hungry, habitual men and even after blacklisting (she had an older model phone where you could put numbers on a "black list" and when they called the phone wouldn't ring) his number he still sent her countless messages on facebook. Even after removing him from facebook he would appear at random points in the day to "say hello" to her. She eventually migrated (for other reasons).

SO these hungry and naturally habitual men are bad but a hungry and habitual man with halitosis is the worst! Have you ever realized how people with bad breath always want to speak nose to nose? Always wants to be ALL UP IN YOUR SPACE! Always wants to whisper something in your ear... I am not sure about you but bad breath turns me off...BADLY! I'm not talking about the occassional onion breath, or fishy breath or whatever, because some 'sober' scents can be tolerated. But it's the downright offensive scents that I can't take... the ones like a garbage heap or a septic tank.

When HUNGRY guys approach with HALITOSIS I just feel like I want a fan so I can blow the scent back into their faces, so they KNOW how offensive their breath is.

Let me just stop here, because this breath thing is a HUGE issue for me.

Men, please stop being HUNGRY and HABITUAL! If she doesn't want you after 3 tries, then that's it...take a hint...stop...walk away...move on. If it is destined to be, then it will. You running behind her 'pee pee cluck cluck' will not make her want to consider you.

And even if you are not a HUNGRY man still don't be HABITUAL, not because she likes this means you are going to get it for her everyday... please don't overdo it.

And this halitosis thing... Brush your teeth? I am aware that it may be much more than that, hence the importance of going to the dentist! GO TO THE DENTIST

.... and with that a good night


Anonymous said…
DWRCL I didn't know where you were going with this initially but then I caught on and it was epic lol> Can't help wondering if is me you a call hungry and habitual #nahlook joking but I love it.......great post :-)
SadeSweetness said…
no ... mi wah retweet every line ... mi wah facebook a few paragraphs! mi want to directly send this to some Hungry Habitual men with Halitosis

well said!