Don't Look Back

I have decided to do this entire post in BOLD... because I'm a bad maw-fucka... LOL... ok Maybe not, I just felt like it. 

The title of this blog post came from a line of Adele's song "Take it All". I am listening to it now. However, Adele was on some lovey dovey behaviour with this song, but this post isn't about love...(in a perfect world everything would be about love, wouldn't it...but this is Earth) 

This semester has been very challenging.. VERY VERY challenging. For the first time in my life I went without sleep for 36 hours. It was also a very trying time for my sanity, my eating pattern, my friendships, my whole life basically. 

And when I thought it wouldn't stop, when I thought it wouldn't be over, when I thought the end wasn't in sight... I realized 3 years passed sooner than I thought it would have and if 3 years can fly by then 3 months should be nothing.

It's always hard for me to move to a different stage in my life. I am so attached to the present, so used to being comfortable in the previous stage that I don't want to move on and a genuine fear of the unknown comes over me. This fear is now being multiplied by 1,000,000 because it's coming really close to that time when I have to enter the work world FOR REAL and take on REAL responsibilities without the help of my parents or anyone else.

When you're younger you think of the future with such promise. We have all these splendid wishes for our 20's, perhaps children and/or marriage by the time we're in our 30's, career peak by 40's, relaxation by 50's, retirement by 60's...and that's where our planning usually stops. But times change and as we become more cognizant of our environment and the realities of life we begin to see that some of these expectations are harder than we thought.

It's easy to think but the execution of thought is most times difficult.

Today, we see CEOs being younger and younger, so the idea of a career peak in your 40's is sort of a distant thought. But looking at the future through the eyes of a 6 year old everything and anything seems possible, such bright hopes. As you age that "future" you've imagined since your childhood loses it's luster. Then, we begin to look back at the easier years- when we would get anything we wanted at our beck and call, when we could play outside at hours on end, when we had no worries more than eating lunch and watching cartoons... BUT WE MUST NEVER LOOK BACK!

By that I don't mean forget where you are coming from and never look back on mommy, daddy, sister, brother and granny. NO THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEAN! I mean never look back to a previous stage and become complacent there and never move on to other stages of your life. Don't get stuck in mediocrity so that you don't see that there is always something bigger for you to get involved in, always something bigger, more promising, more fulfilling, more entertaining, more enjoyable for you to engage in.

Don't limit yourself because it feels COMFORTABLE. Push yourself to believe that you can't stop here, push yourself so you don't allow fear to bog you down and cause you to sit and do nothing with your potential. However, just thinking about these things won't make them magically appear...

You're going to have to work towards engaging and fulfilling that potential. Break through that barrier of fear, of comfort, of made up hindrances ... embrace the promising future, that same one you saw as a child.


Chrissy said…
Love this post Nico & it's SO appropriate for the present.
Tami said…
loooove it!! i can totally relate
Jones Jr said…
"...embrace the promising future, that same one you saw as a child."