An Ode To Friendship

I haven't written in a while, partly because I was basking in "end of school" laziness, and partly because I was having too much fun watching the very first season of the Simpsons...(you really should look at it to see how far they're coming from)...

ANYWAY... I am an emotional person, as everyone should know by now, and although I am coming from a long line of strained, failed and failing friendships I am thankful for every single one.

Many people "dash weh fren" but I've never been one of those people. Mind you lack of credit has strained many a friendship, but as soon as I see you again it's hugs and smiles and picking up where we left off.

I am making a conscious effort not to call any names in this post because some people don't like that sort of thing... but you should know yourselves.


It has been said that girls are a girl's worst enemy and this may be true. But I have come across some WONDERFUL female friends. However, there is no way to know exactly what someone is thinking, or their nature or their intention (a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing exist) so you can only trust these female friends by what you have seen of their character. There have been times when people have told me things about what some of them are saying behind my back. It would be unladylike of me to "cuss them out" because of this wouldn't it? So I go about it by other means. But whether it be back-stabbing, lusting after my boyfriend, hating me for what they think I have or just down right betrayal, it was a necessary experience.

I am not saying all female friends are like this, or have these traits, or will ever do this... Because I have had a friend for more than some 14 years (from prep school innu) and we've had our shortcomings but we're still friends and we will continue to be friends.


Then, there are those you've just met and you feel like you were separated at birth. You can't help but love these people, and sometimes you feel like you love them more than your long-time friends (oops). This is usually because you spend more time with these "new friends" then your old "estranged" friends (I have been watching too much entertainment news, I swear Hollywood loves that word).

Don't be fooled, no matter how close you and these "brother from another mother" friends get never neglect your old friends. There will be times, there will be situations, there will be emotions that only those old friends can deal with.
Never discard any of your friends, after all they contributed to who you are...come on think about it...that bad group you hung out with or that supportive group who befriended you, those bitches who stabbed you in the back and those vipers who gossiped about you...they all contributed to the person you are today.


Then there are your male friends... every girl needs a GOOD male friend. I can't state how much I love my male friends. Not to say they're above my female friends (well...maybe they are)but they've been so honest with me over the years and I'm really very thankful that I have them because they are absolutely wonderful. Most of my male friends I've known for YEARS and we've been through so many things. I remember talking to one, bawling, when I was cheated on. Although, it was pretty devastating for me he did not withhold his harsh, but very sound advice, and to this day I'm so grateful.

What I'm really saying is...I LOVE ALL OF YOU. I really do. I am thankful for every one of you...

Thank you for making a difference in my life, no matter how small...Thank you for your friendship, your listening ear, your shoulder to lean on, your hand to hold, your advice, your jokes, your love, your betrayal...that made me who I am.

Thank you my friends.
