How was the Funeral?

I went to a funeral recently - my 2nd cousin died suddenly 2 weeks ago and was buried on June 26th - and when I spoke to one of my friends the same evening he asked me "how was the funeral"...

I don't recall anyone asking me this question before and I have been to more funerals than the number of years I've been on this Earth (which is quite a few). I didn't know how to respond, because I mean

                       a funeral is just a funeral

No matter how many times they say that it isn't a sad occasion, it is a celebration of life ... No matter how many times they ask you to wear cheerful colours, it is still a funeral. A funeral because someone has died, because someone has lost a relative, soul mate, wife, husband, friend...

I don't see how a funeral can be "nice", "good", or "bad"... We are honouring a life, yes...We are celebrating a life, yes.. We are paying our last respects, yes... We are giving thanks for the life they were able to live, yes... But it is still a funeral.

No matter how smoothly the service runs, how can it be good or bad ?

If any of you can comprehend the complexity of this dilemma and come up with a suitable answer, that differs from mine, to this question please share it with me...


TheAinzlee said…
Not sure but I think it's just a conversation piece and no matter what your reaction good, bad or I have no clue they'll move right along and continue or end the convo..