Day 7 and the Vagina Papaya

I'm tired of this fast now.....

I think I have made the point to myself and my friends and fellow BB users that I can do without it... I mean, I have come three-quarters of the way I said I would (12 days), and you'd think it would make sense to just finish it, wouldn't you?


I have made my point, so I don't think I will be losing anything from this journey really. Of course, some of you guys may be disappointed and some of you may snicker and say "I told you so"... But news flash haters (lol) this really wasn't about YOU, no offense but this was more like a personal journey I wanted to share with you guys. Earlier this year I vowed I'd take more risks, and I have been : I have been trying different foods, different flavours of ice cream, and now this blackberry fast.

Also, I didn't choose a good time to quit, because this weekend is RETWEET (free ad!... LOL) and quite a few of my friends are attending this beach party and we're going to need to communicate, right before the event especially... one of those girl things.

Plus, my emails are suffering... I keep forgetting to check it.

... anyway, it just makes sense to put back on the B.I.S before the weekend. I was actually going to stop and get credit this evening but when I passed the stores were already closed. 

I have gained so much from this "blackberry fasting" experience. I have learnt so much more about myself and I will not count this as a loss because I decided to end it before the time I had originally set.

Thanks to my friends, and boyfriend for bearing with me so long but my service will be on tomorrow.

Now about that VAGINA PAPAYA 

       ..... SAY WHAT?

Yes, a vagina papaya. I wish I had taken a picture of it... 

Every morning daddy leaves me a half of a papaya, or a quarter depending on it my mother wants some, but this morning when it turned over the half of the papaya I realized something was a bit special about it....


It was a very interesting find, and it was delicious (and no... whatever you are thinking STOP IT! It was too tedious to eat though, because all the different crevices have seeds; usually, one "spooning out" and the papaya is free of seeds but this one took me a while.

And finally.....

An interesting thing happened to me today: I went my the salon at school to shave my eyebrows  (the barber there is great by the way), when I was done my ride hadn't arrived yet so I decided I would wash and set my hair; because I was going out in the evening and my hair was TRULY TRULY a MESS. I told the lady I wanted to wash my hair and all of a sudden people were before me, and previously the salon was empty. I waited.... for quite some time, and then my ride said they were here. I then told the lady I had to leave because my ride arrived and she said "well, it's better they come now than when you already started... God knows what he's doing"... At first I was like okay, whatever just a regular phrase BUT THEN! I realized that not getting to shampoo and set my hair allowed my mother and I to have some "bonding" time (I washed it and she styled it for me) and it was good... yep, God knows what he's doing.

It may seem trivial to you, but He's not only there for our big problems...

