Cheating: The Man vs The Woman

For years men and women have been trying to find out why each other cheat.
Let me paint a quick picture:

Alia and Davion have been together for two years. They do everything together, and they love each other deeply. Their marital status on Facebook is "married" and they enjoy each other's company so much so that the frequency of their PDA (public display(s) of affection) annoys their friends. One fateful day Alia admitted that she cheated on Davion. Davion also had a secret, he had cheated on Alia.

WHY? Why did they both cheat, and they enjoyed their relationship so much?

The horrible truth is relationships can get boring. Yep I said it. It's the same person, everyday of your life, basically doing the same things.
Think of washing the dishes (crappy example) 3 times a day, every day... wouldn't you go buy a dish washer as soon as you got the chance? Nobody wants to be doing the same thing over and over and over again, no matter how much you say you enjoy it. Because after the 10th time, you'll grow tired of the thing, whatever it is (and I know some of you creeps out there are thinking "I don't get tired of sex"... caught you...).

It is your job, as a part of the relationship to keep things fresh, new, exciting, spontaneous, and interesting.

But when it comes to who cheats more and why men and women cheat that's the real headache. My educated opinion would be that a person's situation, circumstances, and feelings differ so their reasons for cheating would be different due to these factors. However, my street opinion would be that it seems that men cheat more because they are not as good at keeping it a secret. Women are able to conceal their infidelity for a long time, their partner may never even find out that they are having or have had an affair. But men, they just talk too much. It's something about the ego and the machismo that makes them want to put a notch in their belt of "MANHOOD". So they're gonna to and tell their friends about Keisha, Antoinette, Marsha and Joan.

Also, it may make it a bit harder for men to hide their cheating because women are expensive. I mean hair haffi do, clothes haffi buy, nails haffi do, food haffi eat. Some of you are probably shaking your heads right now, unnu know seh hotness nuh cheap fi maintain.

At the end of the day, I always say I can't stop someone from cheating on me, because he is his own person, but all I'm saying is don't further insult me by cheating with someone who looks worse than me. Don't do it. Insult to injury. I know people are criticizing me for this, but its really my opinion ... MINE.

Don't cheat on your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or whoever, it's just not nice. If there is a problem let the person know, after all you decided to get into a relationship with them, and you make decisions mutually within that relationship; now how are you going to go ahead and do something selfish like just CHEAT.
