If you have nothing good to say... nuh seh nutn

**N.B.: For the purposes of this post the term "good" does not necessarily mean pleasing but also describes informative, relevant information.

Is it so hard to keep our mouths shut? If you have nothing of substance to contribute, then just don't say anything.

We've all come across that one chatty individual who believes every time they speak it's so profound it's as if the clouds have parted to make way for the heavens' angelic approval (for argument's sake, perhaps someone like Portia), but in reality they're not saying anything of substance, nothing anyone is interested in really.

Now I say all of this to say this ...

I was watching a press conference held by the Prime Minister of Jamaica, Portia Lucretia Simpson-Miller, on TVJ News recently and I believe when the broadcast ended I was left with more questions than answers...like:

"For all the money she's paying her 'advisors' this is the best she can do?"

"I wonder if she still wears Escada suits, 'cuz dis nuh look good"

"Blah...blah...blah you gonna cut your cabinet or nah?"

"The IMF deal was approved...hooray... how deep in shit do you see the country in 5 years or so?"

"When dis a go dun?"

" A suh five minutes long?"

"Did she call this press conference? 'Cuz she wicked fi bring dis pon herself"

"Wonder wah mi can eat fi dinner?"

... and the list goes on.

I have to tell you, I'm worried sick about the nation's future,and by now unnu muss know because a di fuss mi write so much political posts. There are so many questions being asked about the leadership of thE country and everyone is eager to answer with bullshit (excuse my French ...) responses. In TVJ's reporting on the Richard Azan issue, a council member came on the local television station's camera to give 'don-man style' support to Azan. When our leaders themselves can't acknowledge wrong, then what hope is there for this nation?

If you don't have anything good to say ... nuh seh nutn !
